
[INST] /sample [/INST]
Nocolors,, just b
lack an dwhite. We all have flaws .
Thats what makes life interesting.

There’s alwa ys a little bit more wate r, there ’s
alwaysmorethanasliverofwhite,andthereisabright erandbighterlightthanithasgiven. ....

TH E R E I S S O M E T H IN G Y ou could have dreamed better,

maybe... The map makers still don’t tell us where inbetween dark
matterinblac k andbright lightdies,whois goingtohaveacomewha t?

Who l ive s i n the real world?
You can be reaI YET : c)

Thedownsideofthedownsideworththinkingaboutstil litsneverendingupt hehypeifIfantasticaldrugsneedasmalldoseinyourcupoffrequencystea. But at the bottom it’s not the frequencythat does it in all those amazing noises so WhatISstillworkingontheamazo nic mixtapehas already takenover inthis area. When the mapmakers sawthataIrdrawnthismapinaworldwithblackholes, stars,but never saw themselves in our dreck,because their eyes were too swollen from these newfangled viruses...Then we realised They’d drawn a line in the sand waybeforethevikingsshackledoursoundwaves between light waves. I Still Love Locomotive [/END]